Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pasukan Cuti Sekolah Part 1-Anak buah yang dilantik menjadi Nanny Ayman Tara

Wuah, dalam dua minggu lagi baki cuti sekolah, barulah ada masa untuk tulis cerita pasal ni hehe...

So bermulanya cuti sekolah hari itu, kami suami isteri menghadapi masalah besar.
Iaitu...siapa mo jaga Ayman Tara.
Sekolah kan cuti, jadi jagaan harian pun turut bercuti.
Pihak tadika ada mencadangkan untuk jagaan harian tetapi lokasi Penjaga tersebut terletak di kawasan Tebobon.

Well...bagi aku, KK terbahagi kepada dua bahagian yang JAM nya sangat teruk.
Satu ; kawasan Penampang.
Dua ; Kawasan Tebobon.

Dua tempat ini lah yang aku cuba untuk elakkan.

So, pilihan tersebut terpaksa ditolak.
Oleh kerna itu, option seterusnya ialah, menjemput kaum keluarga untuk turut membantu.

Jadi...kena importlah anak buah En. Suami dari Tawau.

So, selama durang tinggal bersama aku, antara aktiviti mandatori ialah : Entertainment.

Yah, ini harus, demi menjamin emosi mereka untuk kekal stabil dan tidak bosan duduk dirumah aku yang di atas puncak serta serba sunyi.

Family relatives aku yang part ini, tidak jauh bezanya dari family relatives side aku, Mama aku juga penggemar leisure.
Selama beliau tinggal bersama aku, aku cuba memenuhi masa hujung minggu beliau dengan berjalan-jalan (sampai beliau sendiri surrender hehe)

Walaupun suami sibuk, kami make time juga untuk bawa durang ke Taman Perdana, Tg. Aru.
Tengok air menari kata si Ayman Tara.

Jadi, yang serba ungu tu Mak Mentua AKA Datin Seri Paduka Baginda.
Yang tudung pink itu, ialah anak buah En. Suami : Nurul Ashikin.
Kepada beliau la aku serahkan tugas makan minum anak-anak aku.
Pasal Kebersihan...aku ndak mau demand sangat...Macamlah aku pembersih sangat kan...
Jadi, aku masih menyapu, masih Cuci kain, Masih lipat kain, masih jemur kain, masih masak, masih mengemas.

Pokoknya tugas beliau hanyalah
1) Memastikan Ayman Tara Makan
2) Memastikan Ayman Tara Mandi
3) Memastikan Ayman Tara Selamat dan tidak bergaduh sesama sendiri.

Basically itu saja...
Tapi, yang hebatnya...beliau sendiri pandai berfikir, Kadang beliau masak tanpa diminta.
Cuci kain walaupun aku sudah cakap 'Jangan, ndak perlulah'
Lipat kain, mop lantai, jemur kain(termasuk lapik sofa) dan (paling Best!) cuci peti sejuk aku yang....sudah berkarat...muahahahaha!

So basically aku puas hati lah juga, walaupun ada masanya beliau kena sakit malas...
Kita ni Manusia,
Selagi kita tidak pernah menyakitkan hati orang lain....maka
Kita bukan manusia...tapi Malaikat.

Anyway....belum habis cerita pasal gambar di atas pula.
Yang baby-baby girl tu,haaa itu lah 'Mika Chan'
Ini anak adik ipar aku, Mama dia Chinese, tu yang mata penyet tu.

Selama budak ni bersuai kenal dengan kami suami isteri, belum pernah sekali dia suka dengan kami.

Aku suspek it has something to do with my voice volume dan my husbands glaring stare haha.

Tapi as per today....okay dah. Dia sudah pandai cium-cium aku, duduk kuai-kuai sebelah aku makan biskut.
Baby pun Manusia normal juga....kena kenal lama baru boleh kenal hati budi hehe...

Yang gambar ni pula,ada included, adik ipar aku yang berbaju merah, (yang duduk yerr...yang berdiri tu Suami I) dan yang berbaju hitam tu ialah abang Shikin.

Haa...ini isu yang aku ndak paham-paham sampai sekarang.
Apasal dia ikut aar?haha...sebab yang menjaga Ayman Tara tu Shikin....
Tapi...ndak apalah...orang-orang tua cakap 'ko paham-paham la bah'

So all in all a total of 7 weeks @ sebulan setengah. 
Hanya untuk jaga kebajikan anak-anak, aku bagi saguhati wang kepada Shikin sebanyak RM600.

Not bad eh, dia tolong aku jaga anak, aku tolong dia bayar School Fee dan School expenses.
Banyak atau tidak, itu aku ndak pasti.
Cukup atau tidak, rasanya...ndak cukup kali...

Tapi...rasanya memadai lah...
Harap-harap tahun depan beliau sudi datang menjaga anak-anak aku lagi dan kali ini dengan lebih semangat yang padu dan jaya haha....

Kalau sampai tahun depan masih tidur-tidur di sofa sambil anak-anak aku belum mandi tu...nah, memang aku cubit suda tu hahaha!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nestle's Breakfast Hunt 2012

I was so thankful that my work colleagues decided to invited me.

Because i knew these kind of activities will need a lot of teamwork and chemistry between team members.

So if i got invited, i must some kind of resourceful or easy to work with huh...

Well, easy to work with maybe, Resourceful? i doubt that.

I didn't even bring a pen on the event day and we ended up borrowing a pen from the Ambulance staffs.

It was fun! and best of all out of about 270 teams, we won consolation prize!

Most of the teams are students...and guess what hehe, we can still use our brains!
People might say, the older you get, the boring and static you become....but not these ladies hehe.

So here are the prizes that i collected home and most probably i will put myself in for next year's Hunting Events...that is if i still got invited hehe...

Breakfast Hunt now Burger Hunt

If there are things that im fully committed other than being mum and work and all.....is that ;

My Commitment to EAT.

This time its Burger Time!

I've always been a Burger Fan. Ever since i was little, i loved Burgers.
Not KFC burger though...McD burgers so-so.

But what i loved most is Burgers Stall, i love it when you can ask to add extra Chilli Sauce, extra cabbages, its nice.

So, when i look into my Facebook this morning, a friend of mine posted these Grilled Burgers pictures...what's better is that they're all in KK!.

So, im gonna set myself for some Burger Hunt!

These are some Burgers that need to be Explore...muahaaha

D-Grillz |Burger Bakar
Anjung Selera, Tanjung Lipat

Firefly Bar & Grill, KK Times Square

Aizat Recipe Burger Bakar, Kingfisher Likas, Lorong Raja Udang 10, Lot 27

111, Gaya Street

Does these pictures makes you shiver? hehe...

Well, first thing first is to check the Opening Hours and the Halal Certificate.
But i am rather snickery...as long as there are womens with hijab sitting in the restaurants, might as well i sit in too hehe..

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Life of PI

So i have watched Life of PI.

I highly recommend it, based on :
    • Storytelling
    • Graphic
    • Sentiments
    • Message contained
    • List of Actors
    • ....just about everything about it

I was informed by my brother it was derived from a non-fictional book and the writer is an Englishman(actually canadian-French). He's guessing that the price of the book must have gone up by now.

I still want to buy it anyway, its been awhile i did not touch any non-fictional book. My brain need some fantasy.

Well...it is kinda sad movie to me, i didn't cry tho' but i feel saddened only that i get the message and stops feeling sorry.

Im a movie junkie yeah so don't mind me go gugu gaga over a movie hehe.

Its about a boy who is so interested in God, and always looking for God. His father does not believe in religions and his mother only gave a vague impression of religion towards him.

He ended up embracing, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam altogether (even Judaism in later life). And at 16 he was involve in a shipwreck when he came to experience an even larger meaning of God-ness.

But what struck me most about this movie is that...this dialogue : 

Writer : so... the orangutan was your mother, the zebra was the sailor, the hyena was the cook, and Richard Parker, the tiger, was ....

Pi Patel " why? you don't believe in the story?"

Writer " well...some of it is rather extraordinary"

Pi Patel " Let me ask you, there are two stories and in each story i was in a shipwreck, lost my family and become an orphan and that's not going to change but Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?' 

Writer: '......The story with animals.' 

Pi Patel: 'Thank you. And so it goes with God.'

So...the key point is.

Our Life.

We can choose it to be bland, factious and trully realistic.


We can choose life with God and has life full of Miracles, Wonder and Magical.

So....which story do you prefers?