Monday, August 2, 2010

you cannot give what you don't have...

you can't forgive if you do not have forgiveness, 

you can't love if you are not loving, 

you can't make others happy if you're not happy...

all in all if one has no forgiveness,no love and no happiness...they're not making their self a favor dude....

this because one has to forgive oneself before able to forgive others,
one has to love one self before one could love others,
and one has to know how to make one self happy before knowing how to make others happy...

so above all...

forgive thyself,
love thyself
and be happy with thyself....

you are made out of the BEST from God's creation, have no fear and no doubt that you are doing exactly the BEST thing for your own self.

so folks...when you have it....don't be afraid to share...disperse the goodness and let everybody lighten by it :)

i wish we have a 'Forgiveness Day' every month or at least every week...but i bet if it happens the world will stop spinning and you won't be seeing hungry people, stray animals and stranded soul...sad but....its Life.

Yet, let this not bother you or hinder you from spreading God's miracle in being able to offer a smile when in pain, when we are able to inspire despite our own adversity and when we never give up when there seems to be like no tomorrow.

May God Bless you and....reward yourself with abundance so you are able to share the blessings.